

  • Puzzle solving by moving the tile.
  • Stealth movement and attracting Roombots to move them and solve the puzzle.
  • A story about a laborer concern.

Play as Bob, an everyday architect. Perpetually burned out, Bob often wishes he'd be able to live the carefree life of a chair. One day, he gets his wish when he wakes up in his office and finds he has casters where feet once were.

Bob's office has changed as well. A familiar, stationary building has been transformed into a modular one with shifting tiles for rooms. Joined by Barbara the broom, he now must solve the puzzle of each floor to find the exit to the next one. Figuring out crafty ways to avoid the roombots that patrol the corridors and office spaces.

Escape from Chairtopia is a single-player, top-down, action puzzle game developed in Unity 2022.3.7f1. Curry Dumplings designed Escape from Chairtopia to explore the narrative of the growing struggle of workers who are often overworked and underpaid. While simultaneously offering players a fun, compact puzzle experience with plenty of challenges to keep them engaged.

Over the four month development period, the team worked diligently to offer a polished gameplay experience. Our team members learned to work as a team, gained valuable experience in how to develop a game collectively, and built a knowledge base for scrum, pipeline processes, and collaboration between level design, software development, and art creation.


Full gameplay video

Other games in C33 TGP1 Workshop: Cohort 33 Games | SMU Guildhall